The parishes of Rylstone, Burnsall and Linton work together to support families, children and young people in Upper Wharfedale.
We have a host of regular services and activities for children and families:
Baby & Toddler Group at Chruch House, Grassington on a Thursday 9.15-11.30 for babies to pre-school, and older siblings in the holidays.
Children’s Praise at Church House, Grassington on the first Sunday of the month 4-5 open to all children and their families.
Family Praise, on a suitable celebratory Sunday at St Michael’s, Linton.
Our Benefice funds a Youth Children & Families Outreach Leader through our charity Project Reverb, and is currently working on recruiting for this position. Although there is no Leader currently in place we still engage with local schools whenever possible, and recently ran a competition to design a new logo, won by Forrest Roberts at Grassington Primary School.